ROBOLEX is a new generation body contouring device that combines vacuum, lipo ultrasound, low level laser and multi/bi-polar radiofrequencies.
In the body, fats are broken down with lipoultrasound, fats are burned, melted and cellulite is reduced with low-level laser and multipolar RF, and the rapidly dissolved fat cell is removed from the body through vacuum, lymph drainage and blood circulation. Tightening and recovery is provided. On the face, skin and pore tightening, lifting and wrinkle removal procedures can be performed with bipolar radiofrequency and connective tissue massage.
Since ultrasound works first and then the other 3 systems work at the same time, a great synergistic effect is created. Therefore, even in the first session, thinning up to 1 to 5 cm in a single area and up to 3 to 9 cm in three areas in total. In the continuation of the application, more thinning is achieved and a permanent result is obtained.
Robolex Applications
Cellulite treatment, Body contouring, Regional thinning, Fat reduction, Lymph drainage, Skin tightening, Collagen regeneration, Regaining skin elasticity, Wrinkle removal, Pore tightening, Aftercare before liposuction, Body Contouring and Fat Reduction, Collagen-producing fibroblast cells are stimulated to produce new collagen. It helps to treat cellulite that cannot be eliminated through diet, medication and exercise, and acts as a body shaper by removing fat tissue in fat areas.